Contact The Nurse Coach Agency

Are you a nurse ready to chart your course in launching an independent practice? The Nurse Coach Agency is here to provide expert guidance for your professional journey. Connect with us via email us at to explore personalized advice, coaching/consulting sessions, or to inquire about our services tailored to nurses aspiring to establish their independent practices.

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What is The Nurse Coach Agency?

Welcome to The Nurse Coach Agency, where I, Janessa, a Registered Nurse with a deep understanding of the intricacies of our profession, lead the charge in empowering nurses to step into their entrepreneurial power. What sets us apart is the fusion of my nursing background with specialized education and training in business coaching and consulting, creating a truly unique opportunity for nurses seeking to embark on their entrepreneurial journey.

As a seasoned Registered Nurse since 2007, I comprehend the nuances of the nursing profession like only a fellow nurse can. I've walked the hospital corridors, shared in the triumphs and challenges, and understand the essence of our calling. This firsthand experience positions me to guide nurses in a way that goes beyond generic business advice.

What makes The Nurse Coach Agency extraordinary is the synthesis of my nursing expertise with comprehensive education and training in business coaching and consulting. Armed with a Master of Nursing (MN) obtained in 2022 and recognized as a Global Academy of Holistic Nursing Scholar (SGAHN) in 2023, I bring a holistic perspective to the business realm, aligning your entrepreneurial aspirations with the ethical and professional standards of nursing practice.

Navigating the path of entrepreneurship as a nurse can be daunting, and that's where our unique approach comes in. With The Nurse Coach Agency, you're not just getting a business coach; you're getting a guide who intimately understands the journey you're embarking on. My mission is to ensure that nurses entering the world of independent practice do so the right way, the first time.

This is more than a coaching service; it's a tailored opportunity for nurses to leverage their expertise and passion effectively. Whether you're launching your independent coaching or consulting practice or reimagining your current venture, The Nurse Coach Agency is your compass for navigating the entrepreneurial landscape. Join us, and let's embark on this transformative journey together, empowering you to showcase your talents and gifts in a way that aligns seamlessly with your nursing ethos.

Why working with The Nurse Coach Agency will set you up for success...

Embarking on the journey of starting your nursing business is an exciting endeavor, and partnering with The Nurse Coach Agency from the outset ensures you're not just entering the game – you're positioning yourself to lead. Here's why working with us from the start is a strategic advantage:

Nurse-Centric Insight: Benefit from a founder, Janessa, who is not just a business expert but a seasoned Registered Nurse since 2007. This insider knowledge ensures that your business strategy aligns seamlessly with the unique challenges and opportunities within the nursing profession.

Holistic Business Approach: Your business journey will be guided with a holistic perspective, emphasizing the ethical and professional standards inherent in nursing practice.

Specialized Business Coaching, Consulting & Strategy: Gain a competitive edge with Janessa's extensive experience as a Certified Business Coach & Consultant (Mindvalley, 2022) and as a Growthworks Certified Practitioner (2022). This specialized training ensures that your coaching and consulting practice is not just successful but sustainable in the long run.

Proven Track Record: The Nurse Coach Agency is not just theoretical guidance. Janessa, as The Nurse Coach, has been actively involved in independent practice since 2018 with her own independent practice called The Lifestyle RN. The Nurse Coach has worked with over 100 nurses on their own entrepreneurial journey. In addition to this Janessa co-owns and serves as Senior VP of Nurse Coaching, Independent Practice Development & Creative Lead with The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education (The CIINDE©). This hands-on experience translates into practical, actionable advice.

Comprehensive Skill Set: Navigate the complex world of entrepreneurship confidently with Janessa's diverse skill set to help you navigate the world of independent practice with confidence and excitement.

Personalized Guidance: Your journey is unique, and so is the guidance you'll receive. Working with The Nurse Coach Agency means personalized attention tailored to your specific goals, allowing you to lay a solid foundation for your nursing business right from the start.

Recognition and Features: Join a community that's been recognized and featured, including mentions in the University of Calgary's "Nurse Entrepreneurs You Should Know About" (2020), StFX Alumni News (Winter 2020), and A Woman a Day Calgary with Danaye (July 2019). Special presentations on independent practice have been given in collaboration with The Alberta Association of Nurses (AAN) Inaugural Conference (2023), Canadian Holistic Nurses Association (CHNA) (2022), American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) (2023), Executive Links - Nurse Entrepreneurs & Influencers Panel (2023), and Canadian Association of Self-Employed RNs (CASE RNs) - Clarity & Zone of Genius (2023).

Empowerment Through Collaboration: The Nurse Coach Agency isn't just a service; it's a collaborative journey. Partnering with us means tapping into a network of nurses who, like you, are striving to make a difference. Together, we'll elevate the nursing profession and your individual impact. Embark on your nursing business journey with The Nurse Coach Agency and position yourself ahead of the game. Gain the insights, skills, and personalized support needed to not only launch but thrive in your independent coaching or consulting practice. Your success story starts here.

What is the investment?

The investment in our services at The Nurse Coach Agency is tailored to meet the unique needs of each aspiring nurse entrepreneur. As the services required may vary, ranging from personalized coaching sessions to comprehensive business consulting, the cost will be influenced by the scope and depth of assistance desired. To ensure a customized approach that aligns with your needs, budget, and timeline, we offer an initial consultation. This session serves as a crucial starting point, allowing us to understand your specific goals, challenges, and aspirations. Through this collaborative discussion, we can craft a tailored plan that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, setting the stage for a successful and sustainable journey in launching or reimagining your nursing business. Your investment with us is an investment in your professional future, and our commitment is to make it both impactful and cost-effective.